Monday, April 9, 2007

Don Imus...blah blah blah

I guess today's talk is Don Imus' "nappy headed hos" remark and how some black leaders are "offended" and are demanding an apology. I'm not defending (Don Imus) but he has just as much right to say what he wants as Rosie O'Donell or anyone else for that matter. I choose not to listen or watch either one. That is still my right in this country. If people are getting offended so easily, maybe they need to stay home and hide in a closet. People have gotten to be such "thin" skin, it has gone past ridiculous. With everything going on in this country (the world for that matter) that is much more important than what Imus has to say, why is the mainstream media have a "field" day over this. And for all those people that claim to have been offended....I just want to say,"Get over it" or the next time you spew something out of your mouth, be prepared, it may offend someone, and maybe you will catch hell for it and I dare you to play the "double standards" game. That is what makes me sick over all this.

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